News list for " sea"

10x Research:若比特币价格保持在 90,000-92,000 美元区间以下,整体市场可能仍处于盘整阶段

10x Research发文表示,尽管美联储态度偏向鸽派,但比特币市场短期内仍可能面临上行阻力。研究机构指出,只要比特币价格保持在90,000-92,000美元阻力区间以下,整体市场可能继续处于盘整阶段。 美联储下调了增长预期并略微减缓了资产负债表缩减(QT)步伐,美联储主席Powell强调近期通...

2025-03-21 12:07:56
10x Research:比特币目前正处于小熊市,90,000美元是关键中枢水平

10x Research在X平台发文表示,根据多项指标显示,比特币目前正处于小熊市,90,000美元是一个关键的中枢水平。最近的走势是短期的逆势反弹,提供了一个在这一更广泛的盘整阶段利用并获取收益的机会。

2025-03-20 08:25:45
10X Research: US inflation concerns ease, bitcoin is expected to recover to above $90,000

On March 19, Markus Thielen, CEO of 10x Research, said that despite widespread concerns among investors, Bitcoin may be on track to recover to above $90,000 due to easing inflation concerns in the United States. He added: "We could see some counter-trend rally due to oversold prices, and there is a good chance that the Federal Reserve will take a dovish stance, which is some fine-tuning by policymakers. Would put BTC in a broader consolidation range, but the end...

2025-03-19 22:06:45
10x Research:美国通胀担忧缓解,比特币有望回升至 90000 美元以上

3月19日消息,10x Research首席执行官MarkusThielen表示,尽管投资者普遍存在担忧,但由于美国通胀担忧缓解,比特币可能有望回升至90,000美元以上。他补充道:“由于价格超卖,我们可以看到一些逆势反弹,而且美联储很有可能采取温和鸽派的立场,这是政策制定者的一些微调。会让BTC处于更广泛的盘整区间,但完...

2025-03-19 22:06:45
10X Research: Unlike the long-term bear market in 2021/2022, it is currently a shorter "mini bear market" cycle

Unlike the long-term bear market of 2021/2022, there is a shorter mini-bear cycle pattern interspersed with sharp rebounds, 10x Research wrote. "Our call for caution in March/April 2024 is as reverse as our extremely bullish stance in late September 2024," 10x said. "While maintaining a bullish outlook ahead of Trump's inauguration, we quickly reversed that view as circumstances changed."

2025-03-19 11:49:42
10x Research:与2021/2022年的长期熊市不同,目前是更短的“迷你熊市”周期

10x Research发文表示,与2021/2022年的长期熊市不同,目前是较短的迷你熊市周期模式,其中穿插着急剧的反弹。10x Research表示“我们呼吁在2024年3月/4月保持谨慎,这与我们在2024年9月下旬的极度看涨立场一样反向。虽然在特朗普就职典礼前保持看涨前景,但随着情况的变化,我们迅速扭转了这种观点。”

2025-03-19 11:49:42
ChatGPT, Gemini, or Grok-3: Which AI Has The Best Research Agent?
ChatGPT, Gemini, or Grok-3: Which AI Has The Best Research Agent?

Here are the strengths and weaknesses in big tech's latest AI research tools

2025-03-18 07:12:13
Bitdeer发布SEALMINER A2 Pro系列矿机,功耗效率达14.9J/TH

3月17日消息,据Bitdeer官方公告,公司今日推出最新一代自研比特币矿机SEALMINER A2 Pro系列,包括风冷版(A2 Pro Air)和液冷版(A2 Pro Hyd),均实现14.9J/TH的功耗效率,刷新行业纪录。

2025-03-17 22:16:17
10X Research: Bitcoin may enter an 8-month shock period again, and the market lacks "buying on dips" momentum

Markus Thielen, head of research at 10x Research, said that Bitcoin could repeat the trend of 2024, entering a long period of volatile consolidation after setting a record high. He pointed out that the current technical pattern of Bitcoin is showing a "high and tight flag" pattern, which is usually regarded as a bullish continuation pattern, but the current structure shows some signs of weakness, indicating that the market is in an uncertain situation.

2025-03-15 14:56:57
10x Research:比特币或再次进入8个月震荡期,市场缺乏“逢低买入”动能

10x Research 研究主管 Markus Thielen 表示,比特币可能会重演 2024 年的走势,在创下历史新高后进入长时间的震荡整理阶段。他指出,目前比特币的技术图形呈现出“高位紧旗形”形态,通常被认为是看涨延续模式,但当前结构显示出一定的疲软迹象,表明市场处于不确...

2025-03-15 14:56:57
10X Research Analyst: It's not yet time to buy dips, BTC may fall to 73,000 USD range

Markus Thielen, analyst at 10X Research, said: "This is not the time to buy on the dip as BTC could fall into the $73,000 range, he believes that just as the speculative bubble in DeFI/NFT burst after the bull market of 2021, the collapse of Meme Coin punished many related tokens, the structural decline in the market indicates that fundamentals are weakening, now is the time for caution, not complacency, and the next major [upside] move will require a new narrative."

2025-03-12 00:35:37
10X Research分析师:目前还不是逢低买入时机,BTC可能跌至7.3万美元区间

10X Research 分析师 Markus Thielen 表示:“当前不是逢低买入时机,因为 BTC 可能跌至 7.3 万美元区间,他认为目前就像 2021 年牛市之后 DeFI/NFT 的投机泡沫破裂,Meme 币暴跌惩罚了许多相关代币,市场结构性下跌表明基本面正在减弱,现在是谨慎的时候,而不是自满的时候,下一次重大(上涨)走势将需要一个新的叙事。”

2025-03-12 00:35:37
US Senate Updates Stablecoin Bill GENIUS Act 2025: Expanding Stablecoin Reciprocity Provisions for Payments in Overseas Jurisdictions

According to the newly released GENIUS Act 2025 by the US Senate, the updated bill specifically expands the "Reciprocity for Payment Stablecoins Issued in Overseas Jurisdictions" (Reciprocity for Payment Stablecoins Issued in Overseas Jurisdictions). The US Secretary of the Treasury is required to enter into bilateral agreements with countries with similar stablecoin regulatory frameworks.

2025-03-11 07:47:22
DeepSeek: An issue is being investigated regarding the unavailability of DeepSeek R1 network/API services

The DeepSeek webpage shows that an issue is being investigated regarding the unavailability of the DeepSeek R1 network/API service.

2025-03-11 00:39:03
Bitmain announced the completion of the latest SEAL03 bitcoin mining chip test

Blockchain and high-performance computing technology company Bitmain Technology Group (NASDAQ: BTDR) (hereinafter referred to as "Bitmain" or "the Company") today announced that its latest bitcoin mining chip, SEAL03, has successfully passed the test after completing the sealing tape. Validation and prototype testing of the SEAL03 chip showed that the energy efficiency ratio was as high as 9.7J/TH when operating in low-voltage, ultra-power-saving mode, meeting the performance targets specified i...

2025-03-10 09:50:42